Water Quality Guideline Development Evaluation, and Application

Selenium Bioaccumulation Modelling, Water Quality Objective Development for Cobalt, Aluminium and Nitrite

Allegiance Coal

Allegiance Coal is currently developing the Tenas Metallurgical Coal Mine Project near Telkwa, BC. As part of the compilation of the mine’s Environmental Assessment (EA) – specifically related to water balance, water management and effluent permitting, Borealis (in collaboration with Windward Environmental and Nautilus Environmental) is assessing potential impacts related to selenium, aluminium, cobalt and nitrite. The goal is to evaluate the extent to which predicted concentrations of these parameters could result in significant impacts to aquatic life. In addition to complementing the studies and effects assessments in support of the Project EA, this work also supports the development of Science-Based Environmental Benchmarks (SBEBs) to potentially be used in the development of permit limits for Tenas mine effluent.